
Welcome Letter 


In the elementary school at IST, our students learn the basics, such as math, penmanship, science, and social studies. They also receive reading and writing instruction in both English and Spanish. In addition, they learn about the culture, history, and government of Honduras

through Civics and Ciencias Sociales classes. Each of our students also attends classes in art, music, Bible, and Physical Education. Teachers are passionate about their relationships with Jesus Christ and integrate the Bible into their lessons daily. It is our desire for all our students to have the highest quality education from a Biblical worldview and to deepen their own

relationships with Christ. We also understand that children have unique social and emotional needs, and we have excellent counseling and behavioral/emotional support programs to help them learn to make positive decisions. We want our students to grow into God-honoring critical thinkers and servant leaders.

Our teachers and staff genuinely love our students and teach the subject matter in fun, engaging ways while maintaining the highest academic standards. We strive to meet the needs of all children and are committed to our vision to be a leading Christ-centered international school dedicated to transforming Honduras.

Mrs. Diana Guise


Students learn through hands-on experimentation and exploration, both within and beyond the classroom, extending into our community. In addition to classroom instruction, students actively participate in diverse special subject areas on a weekly basis, fostering the development of critical thinking, reasoning, research, and communication skills. With a foundation grounded in robust academic, moral, and social values, IST shapes foundations for a brighter future.

Extracurricular Activities 

We offer many opportunities for students to stay involved after the school day ends. We have clubs for students with a wide range of interests, including Bible Club, Board Game Club, Chess Club, Choir, Conversational English Club, Math Club, and Student Council. Our students can also participate in Taekwondo and developmental basketball and soccer programs.

Elementary students from IST also participate in the ABSH art, music, and language arts festivals.